Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Annoyance Control

You would think I would learn not to announce birthday invitations until the day of the party. But I don't. Instead, I tell the invitees the day we get the invite and then they ask me every single hour of every single day how much longer until the party. So, I wised up and made these countdown calendars. Betcha you can't guess what from...

Birth control packaging! Just remove the stickers, spray paint (if I make them again, I would rough up the plastic with sandpaper or steel wool first. Ours are chipping paint pretty badly)

Cut out inserts for the top (cute paper) and bottom (plain). Place the bottom paper behind the package. Then, use a pencil eraser to stamp dots through the holes. Add dates and stickers or pictures for special days that your kids will bug you about.

When you place the paper in the bottom half, your dots will line up perfectly with the holes, so you can punch one hole each day. 

With your eye...

You can discard the papers and replace every four weeks. There are only 28 days, so I just waited until the first full week in a month.

As if these guys aren't birth control enough...

1 comment:

Deborah Raney said...

I LOL when I came to the "with your eye" line. Loved the last line, too...except I think they are all the more reason to go OFF that B.C.!! :)