Saturday, July 14, 2012

What to do if You Have Squash Coming Out of Your Ears

-          Force hire child laborers to harvest for freezie pops.
-          Substitute for eggplant to invent “Squash Parmesan.”
-          Trick your pirates into eating “Doubloons.”
-          Fry in butter with cinnamon and brown sugar – unless you have apples coming out of your ears, too.
-          Cut into every dish.
-          Chop into massive vat of salsa
-          Puree’ a huge batch and freeze in baby food jars to sneak into sauces, pancakes, and baked goods (a’ la Deceptively Delicious).
-          Cut into medallions, freeze on cookie sheets, then bag and store in deep freeze.
-          Pick them smaller and smaller each day
-          Get really picky about bad spots and seedy portions.
-          Giggle with glee when some in the fridge are too soft to use.
-          Send home with neighbors, friends, and family.
-          Rejoice when the goats get loose and tromp through the squash patch.
-          Hack off wayward vines. Laugh an evil laugh.

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