Sunday, July 29, 2012

He's Created a Monster

I knew those jelly rolls wouldn't be a good thing for me. This morning, I just had to try out a new fatty delicious recipe. Not because I wanted something sugary and evil, but because I need to use up some more apples of course. It didn't disappoint!

Apple Poppers

refrigerator biscuits
brown sugar

- Chop apples into tiny pieces. Toss with some brown sugar and cinnamon
- Flatten biscuits (I discovered that whole biscuits are way easier to fill and close up than halves. Max discovered that Calvin was a good flattener helper.)
- Scoop apple mixture into middle of biscuits. Close up and place seam down on a baking sheet.
- Bake according to biscuit directions.
- Pour almond glaze over top!
- Tell your kids they can only have ____ (insert small number here) because you want more they're too sugary.

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